About The Changing Spaces Campaign
We are a nationwide movement, made up of advocates and allies from many states across the USA.

Changing Spaces Advocates campaign for a law requiring adult changing tables in Georgia

Adult with disabilities next to a height adjustable adult size changing table

Adults with disabilities deserve dignity, equality, and access to a restroom that meets their needs.

Changing Spaces Advocates campaign for a law requiring adult changing tables in Georgia
Our Goals:
Spread Awareness within our communities about the lack of appropriate changing facilities for older children and adults with the medical need to use incontinence supplies
Advocate for height-adjustable adult size changing tables in public restroom facilities
Connect with sports arenas, large assembly spaces, large stores, parks, etc., to encourage them to install universal changing tables
Educate and train new advocates
Introduce Legislation in our cities and states in collaboration with local and state government leaders
Where Should Universal Changing Tables be Installed?