Missouri Chapter

The Missouri Chapter of the Changing Spaces Campaign is led by Advocate Courtney Leader.
Contact us to join our advocacy efforts in Missouri!
Email: MOChangingsSpaces@gmail.com
Facebook: Changing Spaces Missouri

universal changing table pressalit 1000

little girl in pea pod chair

inclusive restroom with universal changing table

universal changing table pressalit 1000
Advocacy in Missouri
The Missouri Chapter is led by advocate Courtney Leader.
Courtney was inspired to start advocating for accessible restrooms with universal changing tables because of her own struggles to care for her child while away from home.
Contact Courtney to see how you can help!
Get Involved!

Take advantage of our pre-made flyers and form letters to use while advocating.

Learn more about the mission of the Changing Spaces Campaign and what we advocate for. We also discuss applicable laws and building codes.
Connect with us on social media and share your story. View up to date information on the latest developments in our campaign.
View where universal changing tables are located across the USA.
Courtney Leader
Chapter Leader, Missouri Chapter
Email: MOChangingsSpaces@gmail.com
Facebook: Changing Spaces Missouri