Montana Chapter

The Montana Chapter of the Changing Spaces Campaign is led by Advocate Amber Fortier.
Contact us to join our advocacy efforts in Montana!
Facebook: ChangingSpacesMontana

Family at playground with son in wheelchair

mom with son sitting in grass

little boy with disabilities surrounded by balloons

Family at playground with son in wheelchair
Advocacy in Montana
The Montana Chapter is led by advocate Amber Fortier. Amber was inspired to start advocating for accessible restrooms with universal changing tables because of her own struggles to care for her son while away from home.
Amber has been setting up meetings with companies and disability service providers in Montana. She has been spreading awareness of the issue and requesting an open discussion about the topic of accessible changing spaces in restrooms. Contact Amber to see how you can help!
Get Involved!

Take advantage of our pre-made flyers and form letters to use while advocating.

Learn more about the mission of the Changing Spaces Campaign and what we advocate for. We also discuss applicable laws and building codes.
Connect with us on social media and share your story. View up to date information on the latest developments in our campaign.
View where universal changing tables are located across the USA.