North Carolina Chapter

The North Carolina Chapter of the Changing Spaces Campaign is led by Advocate Emily Hamilton.
Contact us to join our advocacy efforts in North Carolina!
Facebook: Changing Spaces North Carolina

happy family on vacation

Adult Changing Station Sign

inclusive restroom with universal changing table

happy family on vacation
Welcome! My name is Emily Hamilton and I am advocating for adjustable adult sized changing tables in all public spaces in North Carolina. This is a necessity for all individuals who need help with their basic, human needs. There are millions of people with a disability in our state alone, many of which are fully dependent on a caregiver. Unfortunately, these individuals are left with 2 options when it comes to needing to be changed when out in public: be changed on the floor of a public restroom, or be changed in the car, exposed to all passersby, when possible. Both options are unacceptable and humiliating. This needs to change!
I myself have been struggling taking my 3 year old out in public because of this very reason. Adeline was born with a genetic overgrowth disorder called Sotos Syndrome, causing significant delays and fast growth. She is not yet potty trained and already over 50lbs. The changing tables offered in most places have a weight limit of 35lbs. Having a child with a disability has opened my eyes to so many injustices, and it is my mission as her mom to be part of the change to make our world more accessible to all. It starts right here!
Contact Emily to learn how to make change in North Carolina!
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Learn more about the mission of the Changing Spaces Campaign and what we advocate for. We also discuss applicable laws and building codes.
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View where universal changing tables are located across the USA.
Emily Hamilton
North Carolina Chapter Leader
Facebook: Changing Spaces North Carolina