Personal Stories About Restroom Access

Inclusion At The Park
Ethan is happy to have equal restroom access at the restroom at Miracle League baseball field in Cranberry township, PA.
Ella Has A Safe Place To Change
Ella enjoys the adult changing station at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

A local community comes together to install an adult sized changing table so the Bynum’s can attend church as a family.
Time Together As A Family,
Thanks To Universal Design
Getting Our Loved Ones Off the Floor
Charlie deserves a clean and dignified place to attend to his toileting needs. It is inhumane and undignified to lay our loved ones on dirty public bathroom floors.

A Place to Change After Speech Therapy
Now Aiden's mom can take care of his restroom needs in a private place after speech therapy.

Ty and His Mom Kisha Spread Awareness
Ty does not want to lay on the bathroom floor to be changed. Unfortunately, this is the reality without an adult-sized changing table available.
Universal Changing Tables Serve People of All Ages
Charlie and his grandmother both have medical conditions that require protective undergarments. People of all ages and diagnoses have this need.

Changing With No Privacy
Without universal changing tables, families are left changing their loved ones in the back of their vehicles in public view. This is another example of the difficulties so many families face without an inclusive and accessible restroom.

Matthew Enjoys Summerfest
Thanks to his mom's advocacy, Matthew and other individuals with disabilities have a safe and private place to care for their restroom needs while attending concerts at Summerfest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

What if Laying on the Bathroom Floor Was
Your Only Option?
Without a universal changing table, this is the REALITY for countless individuals with disabilities. NO human being should ever have to lay on a germ-infested bathroom floor.

Baby Changing Tables Do NOT Meet the Needs of All
Baby changing tables are for BABIES. Older children and adults with disabilities quickly surpass the weight limit of baby changing tables, making it very unsafe for them to use.

Charlie Enjoys The Zoo

Charlie’s parents, approached Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, Iowa about installing a height-adjustable adult sized changing table. After learning about the benefits of a universally designed changing table, the zoo agreed to install one. Now Charlie can stay all day and enjoy the zoo with his family.

Changing In The Car In Public View
Changing our loved ones in the back of vehicles in public view is degrading and causes many risks for injuries.